EVENT: insurance.status

ENDPOINT: POST /v1/patients/{patientId}/event

The insurance.status event is used to provide updates about the current status of the patient’s insurance, including prior authorizations and benefits verification (BV).

Possible values in the text field:

Text Field ValueDescription
approvedPrescription is approved by insurance
coveredNoRestrictionsPrescription is covered with no restrictions
bvProcessBenefits Verification In Process
paReqPrior Authorization Required
paPendingPrior Authorization Pending Review
paProcessPrior Authorization In Process By HCP
noCoverageNo coverage for prescription

Example code to mark the patient’s prescription as approved:

  "status": {
    "name": "prescription.status",
    "text": "received"
  "phoneNumber": "{{test-user-phone-number}}",
  "externalId": "{{test-user-external-user-id}}",
  "supportProgramId": "{{partners-support-program-id}}"
EVENT: insurance.status
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