The Digital Guide to Patient Connectivity at Hub, SPP, & eServices Optimization 2021

Give us 30 minutes and we’ll help you bridge the digital divide with your patients. In this episode of The Specialty Patient Podcast, HelpAround CEO Yishai Knobel covers the do’s and dont’s of digital patient connectivity (think email, SMS, and apps). Tune in for a breakdown of:

  • Hubs beyond the phone call: How to bring digital connectivity to patient services.
  • Copay and PAP programs without paper: How data should inform your choices, including how to prioritize digitization options.
  • Unique patient journeys: We’ll cover how to shop for connectivity when you have unique requirements.


Join us! Click below to listen and learn. And for more insight on all of the takeaways from Hub SPP, check out our blog wrap-up: The Quick Skinny on 2021’s HUB, SPP, & eServices Optimization Event